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is a learn-to-skate program geared towards beginner skaters aged 3 to 4 and is designed to give them the basics of skating in a fun environment.

Class Format

Children are placed into groups according to ability and are taught by a Professional Skating Coach and assisted by qualified CanSkate Program Assistants. The focus of this program is to make skating fun and keep the skaters interested in learning! Skating skills taught include: learning to stand and balance, skating forwards, backwards, jump, turn and march. Skaters will learn educational concepts while learning to skate at the same time. It is “Playschool on Ice.”

Skaters receive report cards at the end of each session. The CanSkate Coaches will let parents know when their child is ready to move onto the CanSkate program.


Skating Equipment

Skates – Skaters who are in PreCanSkate may use hockey or figure skates. We advise the purchase of skates with laces, not molded plastic skates with buckles. Skates that have an adjustable fit are also not recommended. Skates should be tied snugly with laces tucked away. At the end of every skating session, please wipe skater blades dry. Please also ensure that skates are sharpened regularly, at least once per season. You can also help your skater by ensuring their skates are comfortable and fit properly. Toes should be able to wiggle slightly and the heels should be able to lift only slightly as well. We would recommend purchasing skates and helmets from United Cycle, Sport Chek or ProSkate . When purchasing skates, please ensure the skates are sharpened.

Hockey vs Figure Skates? Either option is fine and there is no one option that is more difficult to first learn on. However, switching from hockey to figure can be a hard transition. So if the family has any ideas of the skater being a figure skater, they should start with a pick!

Helmet – All skaters in our CanSkate (PreCanSkate, CanSkate, Inclusive CanSkate, Adult CanSkate and PreStarSkate) programs are required to have a CSA approved helmet that is no more than 5 years old. Please refer to the sticker on the back of the helmet to ensure your helmet is not expired. Skaters (regardless of age) are required to wear a CSA approved helmet until they have earned the Stage 5 badge and have permission from their coach.


“If you don’t have fun, it’s hard to do your best.”

Kimmie Meissner


PO Box 78038 Callingwood RPO
Edmonton, AB T5T 6A1

Phone: 780-905-7775




“Skating was the vessel into which I could pour my heart and soul.”

Peggy Fleming



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